Custom 3D Printing for Arcade Pads, Home Pads, and DIY Pads

Dance Dance Revolution (DDR) - StepMania - In The Groove (ITG) - Pump It Up (PIU)
Modifications, upgrades, and replacement parts for arcade pads, home pads, and DIY pads. Need a replacement part that you can't find? Want to upgrade your pad with a custom mod? Get replacement parts that match OEM specifications or upgrade your pad with a 3D printed custom mod.
Services include:
- For a part that is no longer made or that the manufacture does not sell we offer custom designed reproductions of the OEM (Original Equipment Manufacture) part.
- If you have designed your own part or custom mod we can print it for you.
- You can request for us to make you a custom designed mod or part.
- We now sell 3D printed parts for the opensource RE:Flex Dance pad, for more information click here.
Custom parts are printed on an Ultimaker S3 which has a wide range of filament material options. Max build size 9 x 7.4 x 7.9 inches.
For more information or to get a quote email us at